Modified Operation for COVID-19
Last Update 2022-06-29
Kung Fu Infinity Martial Arts School is offering in-person classes in our facility with limited spots for each class.
Highlights of our COVID-19 response:
Smaller class size. To enforce the class size limit, classes in high-demand time slots will require a booking process.
Stable cohorts. Students will be scheduled in the way that they always train with the same group of people.
Frequent sanitization. All the training gears are sanitized between classes after each use. Hand sanitizers and alcohol wipes are available for students to use.
All of our coaches and staff are fully vaccinated and boosted.
All coaches and staff are required to wear masks in our facility. Our coaches will make sure that students are at least 6ft apart during training.
We are asking our students and parents to help keep our community safe:
Please stay home if you have COVID-19 symptoms or if you had close contact with confirmed COVID-19 patients in the last 5 days.
Mask is optional during training as of 2022-06-29. For students who haven't been vaccinated yet, masking is strongly recommended.
Please use hand sanitizer before and after class.
Please bring your own water bottles.
Please only come to the classes that you are assigned to. Contact us first if you want to schedule make-up classes.
To limit the number of people in our school, parents please wait outside during classes.
If you have any questions, or want to report an incident, please contact us at info@kungfuinfinity.com.